Saturday, September 19, 2009


Ok, I get the concept.
Reverse auctions, lowest unique bid. (tick)

Its an easy sell - except the customer has to put their money (or Dubli Dollars) where their mouth is when they make a bid. Its not expensive and it saves all that hassle of bidding or going up against someone who has no interest in the product or is just bidding to make the price go up.

I'm not a fan of the normal auction process. People do get carried away in the emotion, bid more than they should and end up with a widget that looked pretty darn good in the sellers picture but now looks like it fell off the back of a truck.

I suppose thats what sparked my interest in Dubli. Namely you get to choose your method of interaction or purchase process and secondly, its for serious buyers and savers. Its also fairly obvious that all the non-winning bids (which cost the bidder a small amount) get used to defray the low final cost of the product and is most likely how the organisation makes their profit and distributes income to their marketers and business associates such as myself.

More later as it come to hand

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